Thursday, March 22, 2012

Motionless In White

Motionless In White is a metalcore band from Scranton, PA that formed in 2005. The band has become well known for using "Gothic imagery." The cover of their debut release, Creatures, makes me think of Edgar Allan Poe and The Raven. Such themes are repeatedly visited throughout their lyrics. What I really like about them is their message. At first glance or listen most people think, "Oh, they're just the usual 'emo' kids screaming about how much their lives suck." Not true at all. The message I see is one of believing in yourself. They don't sugarcoat a thing, and I love that about them. As a Christian I admit I was bothered in the beginning by the lyrics sometimes, but that was when I was just focusing on the words themselves. When I dug deeper and looked at what they're trying to say, I connected with them. Sure they drop the F-bomb fairly often, but sometimes the only way to get what you're trying to say across is to be brutal. One song that I at first viewed as demeaning and offensive, I see in a different light now. Not everything is the way it appears at first, and that's what the song is about. It's called Immaculate Misconception. At first I thought of the song as an attack on Christians and was very bothered by the line, "I don't care if this offends you or your worthless God." Now I understand it as targeting those that try and shove religion down everyone's throat. The type of "Christian" that tells people that "God hates faggots" or "You're going to hell for X." That's not what I'm about as a Christian, and I like that MIW recognizes those people as fakes. Like I said, they go about it in an "In your f*@#ing face" kind of way, but I can tolerate that because their underlying message is one I can support.  Going back to that specific line I mentioned before, I don't think they're referring to God as in the God of the Christians. I think it's more of the  false view of God that some people are portraying. Front man Chris Motionless himself said, "I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jesus Christ. Yet despite all these very moral and positive vibes, we are still constantly ripped apart for being who we are. Sounds really similar to what happened to the man the people that criticize us put all their faith in." Overall I think Motionless In White is about being open-minded, and being yourself. Aside from all that, just their sound is enough for some people. Chris provides some amazing screams, and has an absolutely beautiful singing voice. The guitarists and drummer don't disappoint either. The band as a whole is full of energy on stage. You can catch them on this year's Van's Warped Tour. The band is set to release their second album sometime this year. Another thing I like about MIW is that they care about their fans, which they call "creatures." The title track on their debut album is, aside from the chorus, composed entirely of lyrics from fans. I'm expecting great things from this band in the future. Until next time, remember, "Open your mind before your mouth."